Uttalelse fra sivilsamfunnet i Brasil om krisen i Amazonas

De jordløses bevegelse i Brasil sendte, sammen med en bred sammenslutning av landets sivilsamfunns-organisasjoner, et brev til G7-møtet i Frankrike i august. Brevet formidler sivilsamfunnets bekymring om krisen i Amazonas, og informerer om hvordan Brasils regjering forverrer situasjonen for mennesker og miljø.

Declaration of Civil Society Organizations on the Crisis of Deforestation and Burning in the Brazilian Amazon on occasion of the G-7 Summit in Biarritz, France (August 2019)

The dramatic increase in the number of fires in the Brazilian Amazon during 2019, with 32,748 ocurrences registered between January 1st and August 14th (60% above the average of the previous three years) following an alarming increase in the rate of deforestation over the past year, has provoked outrage and protests in Brazil and around the world, to the point where this issue has been urgently included in the agenda of the G-7 summit to be held in Biarritz, France.

Problems of deforestation and burning in the Amazon have a long history; however, the worsening of this situation in 2019 is a direct result of the behavior of the government of President Jair Bolsonaro.  Factors intensifying the environmental crisis in the Amazon, associated with the federal government, include:

  • The refusal to demarcate indigenous lands, along with attempts to open up territories for exploitation by mining, hydroelectric dams and agribusiness interests, disrespecting the Federal Constitution;
  • The deliberate and systematic dismantling of the operational capacity of IBAMA, the federal environmental agency, and other institutions responsible for enforcement against illegal acts of public land grabbing, forest clearing and burning, logging and mining;
  • Public statements by President Bolsonaro concerning his commitment to loosening enforcement and suspending fines for illegal activities, sending a clear signal of impunity that encourages environmental crimes.
  • Budget cuts, persecution of employees and dismantling of the structure of ICMBio, the federal agency responsible for the management of protected areas;
  • Backsliding in the legal framework for environmental licensing of infraestructure, mining and agribusiness projects, characterized by high social and environmental impacts and risks;
  • Abandonment of the Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Deforestation in the Amazon (PPCDAm) launched in 2004 and largely responsible for a major decrease in deforestation rates between 2005 and 2012;
  • Manipulation of agencies responsible for environmental protection, through nomination to high-level government posts of individuals linked to the immediate interests of agribusiness and other sectors that should be subjected to public regulation;
  • Attempts to discredit technical institutions of the federal government responsible for monitoring deforestation and other environmental problems, as in the case of the National Space Research Institute (INPE).

The increase in deforestation and burning in the Amazon, associated with land grabbing and illegal exploitation of timber and other natural resources, is directly connected to rising acts of violence against indigenous peoples, traditional communities and social movements; violence that has remained in impunity, in the great majority of cases.  Meanwhile, President Bolsonaro has encouraged the criminalization of social movements and NGOs, reaching the absurdity of blaming them for increased burning in the Amazon.

Such actions, omissions and discourse have made Brazil a global outcast in an area where the country was previously a protagonist.  This threatens the Amazon, the largest heritage of Brazilians, the well being of the population and the global climate, which cannot withstand emissions from the destruction of the Amazon.  Ironically, this situation now threatens the future of the Brazilian agribusiness sector that the president claims to defend.

The Brazilian government urgently needs to take responsibility for leading a series of efforts, involving public, private and civil society actors, to address this grave problem, including among other concrete actions:

  • Effective support for urgent actions to combat environmental crimes associated with public land grabbing, deforestation, burning and illegal exploitation of natural resources, led by IBAMA and other agencies responsible for monitoring and enforcement, with guarantees of necessary funding;
  • Elimination of obstacles to the demarcation of indigenous lands, together with recognition of the territorial rights of quilombola communities and other traditional populations;
  • Suspending legislative bills aimed at rolling back environmental protections, in line with a recent proposal presented by former ministers of the environment of Brazil;
  • The re-creation of the steering committee and resumption of activities of the Amazon Fund (Fundo Amazônia);
  • Resumption of the Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Deforestation in the Amazon and neighboring tropical savannah (Cerrado), ensuring adequate financial resources, transparency and participation of government entities and civil society.  

At the same time, we urge G-7 member countries present at the Biarritz Summit to take concrete steps to:

  • Guarantee effective mechanisms to avoid imports of commodities from agribusiness, mining and timber sectors that originate from areas characterized by recent deforestation and violations of human rights in the Amazon;
  • Implement effective policies of prevention and 'due diligence' for investments of companies and financial institutions in projects in the Amazon that involve high levels of risk and violations of human rights and environmental legislation;
  • In the case of an effective change in positions of the Bolsonaro government, contribute to efforts by government and society to address deforestation and burning in the Amazon, with the means necessary for implementing climate change policies in line with the objective of 1.5o C of the Paris Agreement.

August 26, 2019

Denne listen over organisasjoner står bak brevet:

Co-signing organizations:

Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil – APIB

Associação Terra Indígena do Xingu - ATIX

Associação Floresta Protegida (Kayapó)

Associação Alternativa Terrazul

Associação das Comunidades Montanha e Mangabal

Associação de Pesquisa Xaraiés MT

Associação Indígena Aldeia Maracanã- AIAM

Articulação pela Convivência com a Amazônia - ARCA

Articulação Internacional de Atingidos e Atingidas pela Vale

Amazon Watch

Coordenação das Organizações Indígenas da Amazônia Brasileira – COIAB

Coordenação Nacional de Articulação das Comunidades Negras Rurais Quilombolas -  CONAQ

Cáritas Brasileira Regional Minas Gerais

Centro de Formação do Negro e Negra da Transamazônica e Xingu

Clínica de Direitos Humanos da UFMG 

Comitê Nacional em Defesa dos Territórios Frente a Mineração 

Coletivo de Mulheres do Xingu

Coletivo Mura de Porto Velho

Comitê em Defesa da Vida Amazônia na Bacia do Rio Madeira

Conectas Direitos Humanos

Conselho Indigenista Missionário - CIMI

Fórum Mudanças Climáticas e Justiça Social

Fórum da Amazônia Oriental - FAOR

Fórum em Defesa de Altamira

Fórum Bem Viver

Fórum São Francisco

Fundação Darcy Ribeiro

GT Infraestrutura

Greenpeace Brasil

Instituto Raoni

Instituto Kabu Instituto Makarapy

Instituto Fronteiras

Instituto Madeira Vivo – IMV

Instituto Sociedade, População e Natureza - ISPN

Instituto Socioambiental – ISA

Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social

International Rivers – Brasil

Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra – MST

Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens - MAB

Movimento Fechos Eu Cuido

Movimento de Mulheres Campesinas - MMC

Movimento pela Soberania Popular na Mineração - MAM

Movimento Tapajós Vivo

Movimento Xingu Vivo para Sempre

Mutirão Pela Cidadania

Operação Amazônia Nativa - OPAN

Pacto das Águas

Pastoral da Juventude Rural - PJR

Planète Amazone

Proteja Amazônia 

Rede de ONGs da Mata Atlântica – RMA

Rede GTA

Rede Brasileira de Arteducadores - ABRA

Rios de Encontro – Marabá

Sindiquímica – PR SOS Mata Atlântica

Uma Gota no Oceano


Articulation of Brazilian Indigenous Peoples  – APIB Association of the Xingu Indigenous Territory - ATIX

Protected Forest Association

Alternative Association Blue Planet

Association of Communities Montanha & Mangabal

Maracanã Village Indigenous Association – AIAM

Xaraiés Research Association - MT

Articulation for Coexistence with the Amazon - ARCA

International Articulation of People Affected by Vale

Amazon Watch

Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon – COIAB

National Coordination of Rural Afro Brazilian Quilombola Communities - CONAQ

Caritas Brazilian Regional Minas Gerais

AfroBrazilians Training Center of the Transamazon and Xingu

Human Rights Clinic, Federal University of Minas Gerais

Xingu Women's Collective

National Committee in Defense of Territories Against Mining 

Mura Collective of Porto Velho (Rondônia)

Committee in Defense of Amazonian Life in the Madeira River Basin

Conectas Human Rights 

Indigenist Missionary Council - CIMI

Forum on Climate Change and Social Justice

Forum of Eastern Amazônia - FAOR

Forum in Defense of Altamira

Forum for Well-Being

Forum São Francisco

Darcy Ribeiro Foundation

Infrastructure Working Group

Greenpeace Brasil

Raoni Institute

Kabu Institute

Marakapy Institute

Frontiers Institute

Madeira Alive Institute

Institute Society, Population and Nature - ISPN

Socioenvironmental Institute – ISA

Institute Ethos for Business and Social Responsibility

International Rivers - Brazil

Movement of Landless Rural Workers – MST

Movement of Dam-Affected Peoples - MAB

Movement Caring for Fechos

Movement of Peasant Women - MMC

Movement for Popular Sovereignty in Mining-MAM

Tapajós Alive Movement

Xingu Forever Alive Movement

Coalition for Citizenship

Operation Native Amazonia - OPAN

Pact for Waters

Pastoral Comission for Rural Youth – PJR

Amazon Planet

Amazon Protection

NGO Network for the Atlantic Rainforest - RMA

GTA Network (Amazon Working Group)

Brazilian Network on Art-Educators – ABRA

Rivers of Encounters – Marabá

Sindiquimica – PR

SOS Atlantic Rain Forest

A Drop in the Ocean


